Police say a Florida man found dead in a Florida lake while searching for Frisbees and other flying discs was missing three limbs after a likely encounter with alligators.
Author: Tampa Herald
Rusia pierde buque de guerra, dice que aumentará los ataques en Kiev
Un día después de que Moscú sufriera una punzante derrota simbólica con la pérdida del buque insignia de su flota del Mar Negro, el Ministerio de Defensa de Rusia prometió el viernes intensificar los ataques con misiles contra la capital ucraniana en respuesta a las supuestas “desviaciones en territorio ruso” militares de Ucrania.
Rusia dice que aumentará ataques en Kiev tras hundimiento de buque
Un día después de que Moscú sufriera una punzante derrota simbólica con la pérdida del buque insignia de su flota del Mar Negro, el Ministerio de Defensa de Rusia prometió el viernes intensificar los ataques con misiles contra la capital ucraniana en respuesta a las supuestas “desviaciones en territorio ruso” militares de Ucrania.
Wealthy Democratic Party donor gets 30 years in prison for fetish deaths
Ed Buck told his neighbors that the steady stream of young Black men leaving his West Hollywood apartment were social work clients. What really happened behind closed doors, which he referred to as the “gates of hell,” was far more sinister.
Russia loses warship, says it will increase attacks on Kyiv
A day after Moscow suffered a stinging symbolic defeat with the loss of the flagship of its Black Sea fleet, Russia’s Defense Ministry promised Friday to ramp up missile attacks on the Ukrainian capital in response to Ukraine’s alleged military “diversions on the Russian territory.”
Russia loses warship, says it will increase attacks on Kyiv
A day after Moscow suffered a stinging symbolic defeat with the loss of the flagship of its Black Sea fleet, Russia’s Defense Ministry promised Friday to ramp up missile attacks on the Ukrainian capital in response to Ukraine’s alleged military “diversions on the Russian territory.”
Nearly 12-foot alligator seen in viral video killed by Florida trapper
Florida wildlife officials have now killed a nearly 12-foot alligator that swam within inches of a frightened paddleboarder in a popular state park during an encounter in September recorded on video that went viral.
Human arm found in gator’s mouth in Florida’s Hungryland Preserve
Sheriff’s office divers searched a gator-infested canal in a Florida wilderness preserve after human remains were found in the mouth of a large alligator.
Human arm found in gator’s mouth in Florida’s Hungryland Preserve
Sheriff’s office divers searched a gator-infested canal in a Florida wilderness preserve after human remains were found in the mouth of a large alligator.
Authorities seize nearly $3M worth of meth in onion shipment
SAN DIEGO (AP) — Authorities seized nearly $3 million worth of methamphetamine, hidden among a shipment of onions, during a tractor-trailer’s inspection at federal facility in San Diego, officials announced Friday. A K-9 unit for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection alerted to the trailer’s shipment of onions on Sunday and officers found nearly 1,200 […]