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Tag: National
Oklahoma legislators seek change in sodomy law after ruling
After Oklahoma’s highest court dismissed a criminal charge against a 17-year-old boy accused of forcing a heavily intoxicated girl to perform oral sex, outraged lawmakers vowed Thursday they’ll move quickly to fix an apparent loophole in the state’s forcible sodomy law.
Oklahoma legislators seek change in sodomy law after ruling
After Oklahoma’s highest court dismissed a criminal charge against a 17-year-old boy accused of forcing a heavily intoxicated girl to perform oral sex, outraged lawmakers vowed Thursday they’ll move quickly to fix an apparent loophole in the state’s forcible sodomy law.
Oklahoma legislators seek change in sodomy law after ruling
After Oklahoma’s highest court dismissed a criminal charge against a 17-year-old boy accused of forcing a heavily intoxicated girl to perfor…
Should all women – not just moms – get a maternity-style leave?
A writer has found herself at the center of a heated internet debate. Meghann Foye argues all women – not just moms – should receive a paid …
Should all women – not just moms – get a maternity-style leave?
A writer has found herself at the center of a heated internet debate. Meghann Foye argues all women – not just moms – should receive a paid maternity leave-style break from work.
Should all women – not just moms – get a maternity-style leave?
A writer has found herself at the center of a heated internet debate. Meghann Foye argues all women – not just moms – should receive a paid maternity leave-style break from work.
Paying it forward: Florida Florida man helps homeless Florida man learn how to read
A Florida Florida man says he didn’t help a homeless learn to read for the attention, but because it was the right thing to do.
Paying it forward: Florida Florida man helps homeless Florida man learn how to read
A Florida Florida man says he didn’t help a homeless learn to read for the attention, but because it was the right thing to do.
8 children, 2 tied up in backyard, rescued from Texas home
Authorities say they’ve rescued eight unsupervised children from a San Antonio home where a 2-year-old boy was chained to the ground in the …